First readings

Books that are both decodable and interesting for beginners.

In each book, there are:  

  • short sentences, simple words, and familiar vocabulary (close to oral) ;
    a complete and funny story ;
  • 16 pages of easy-to-read text and vivid pictures;
  • depending on the level, a list of tag words and/or new sounds and spellings and/or a lexicon of more difficult vocabulary;
  • a list of all the words used and their English translation.

The Easy to Read first reading books
from Facile à lire allow children to : 

  • experience reading successes;
  • Make reading easier for youngsters with challenges;
  • find a book at their level;
  • read texts that respect their learning;
  • to progress with graduated stories.

The different levels of difficulty

Expressly designed for readers who are new to the world of reading or who do not yet read independently. An adult accompanies them as they learn the sounds of letters and syllables. Simple text promotes gradual and independent learning.
To go further:
Play detective with the child. Make groups of four toys: three that start with the same sound and one that starts with a different sound (for example: a lion, a lunchbox, a lollipop and a truck). They must identify the odd one out in the group. You can even use a detective’s magnifying glass to make it more fun!
Level 1
Specifically written for beginner readers or for those who face reading challenges. This series introduces and reviews simple sounds. The texts contain a lot of repetition to facilitate comprehension.


It includes:
Basic vowels:
Sounds that lengthen :
Short consonants :
To go further:
Have fun “speaking like a robot” with the child. Say the syllables of randomly chosen words, separating them in an exaggerated way. You can even accompany this with arm movements!
Also, the sounds are all around you. Ask the child to name objects, animals or people whose names contain the sound being worked on in the book you are reading. For an added challenge, try to find words that contain the same sound twice, or that contain two different sounds!
Level 2
Intended for readers who are developing their reading skills or who have reading challenges. They will discover and review compound sounds.


It includes :
Compound sounds :
ch / au-eau / ou / eu
oi-ui / ai-è-ei-ê

é-er-ez / on /
an-en-ean / in-ain-ein
To go further:
Read aloud to the child, even if he or she is now able to read on his own. Your reading will likely be at a more advanced level than what he or she is able to read on their own. This will expand their vocabulary, develop their imagination and build their ability to concentrate.
Also, leave books lying around your home. Leave books, novels, comics, magazines… Scatter them in the kitchen, in the bathroom, in the bedroom, in the car… This will arouse the child’s interest and develop his or her pleasure in reading at all times. You can even read two or three pages of these books, stop in the middle of a storyline and let curiosity consume them until they read them on their own!
Level 3
Meant for readers who are developing their reading skills or who have reading challenges. They will gradually discover and review complex sounds.


It includes :
Complex sounds :
qu / gu / gn 
m devant b, p / p before h
ssion-tion-sson / s that does z 
ien / ill / e + 2 consonants
To go further :
Play “the fortune teller” with the child. Look at the cover and try to predict what will happen in the story. You can even use a globe (or light bulb) to act as a crystal ball! Review these predictions at the end of the reading to compare them with what actually happened.
Level 4
Best suited for readers who are consolidating their reading skills or who face reading challenges. They will discover and revise more complex and less common spelling patterns.


It includes :
Less common spellings :
oeu-oe / pn / rh
sc / pt / th / yn-ym
words with apostrophe
words with umlaut
words with cedilla
To go further :
Create a lexicon or word wall with the child, with the words they discover. You can make this lexicon interesting by adding pictures or drawings of the child. Challenge your child to add one word a day to the lexicon. It’s a fun way to expand their vocabulary!