Finish an entire book, promised!

Let your child experience early success!  Reading through their very first book can boost confidence and motivation in beginning readers. However, these benefits rely on choosing the right book at the right time.  Find the book best suited to YOUR CHILD’S reading needs.

Finish an entire book, promised!

Let your child experience early success!  Reading through their very first book can boost confidence and motivation in beginning readers. However, these benefits rely on choosing the right book at the right time.  Find the book best suited to YOUR CHILD’S reading needs.

Order now!

Orders of 75$ or more: FREE DELIVERY

Based on science, created by experts

Based on science, created by experts

Noémi Berlus, co-fondatrice de Facile à lire
Noémi Berlus
President, Teacher, Author
Christian Roy, co-fondateur de Facile à lire
Christian Roy
VP Marketing, Professor of Literature, Author
Suzanne Lagacé éditrice, enseignante, autrice
Suzanne Lagacé
Editor, Teacher, Author
Emmanuelle Champagne, éditrice, autrice, éducatrice spécialisée
Emmanuelle Champagne
Editor, Spec.Ed. Educator, Author
Lauria Jacques, graphiste, certifiée en enseignement au primaire
Lauria Jacques
Graphic Artist, Certified Primary School Educator.

How it works:

These series follow a syllabic method and a logical progression, based on phonology and the rate at which more complex sounds and graphemes appear.

Easy to decode!

Few letters per syllable

Exemple de page du livre Val pour apprendre à lire
Easy to pronounce!

Few syllables per word

Exemple de page du livre Val pour apprendre à lire
Easy to turn

Few words per page

Exemple de page du livre Dana pour apprendre à lire
Easy to finish!

Few pages per book

Exemple de page du livre Alex pour apprendre à lire

How it works:

These series follow a syllabic method and a logical progression, based on phonology and the rate at which more complex sounds and graphemes appear.

Easy to decode!

Few letters per syllable

Exemple de page du livre Val pour apprendre à lire
Easy to pronounce!

Few syllables per word

Exemple de page du livre Val pour apprendre à lire
Easy to turn

Few words per page

Exemple de page du livre Dana pour apprendre à lire
Easy to finish!

Few pages per book

Exemple de page du livre Alex pour apprendre à lire



De parents d’enfants de tous les âges…

Good evening, we received our order for the first ten books today. My five-year-old son had been asking me to read but I couldn’t find simple books for him to start with… your books are wonderful! He read the first four this morning, and this evening, after storytime, he reread the first two! I will be ordering the rest of the collection without hesitation – it’s wonderful!


Other testimonials

D’enseignantes et d’orthopédagogues…

Je suis enseignante au primaire et j’ai votre entière collection de livres. J’ai bien hâte que mon garçon puisse découvrir les nouveaux livres. J’utilise d’ailleurs vos livres dans ma classe. Ils sont parfaits pour l’apprentissage grapho-phonétique de la lecture! Bravo!

 – Claudie

D’autres témoignages

De grands-mamans satisfaites…

Je suis très contente d’avoir acheté les livres pour mes deux petites-filles. Une fois par semaine, elles m’appellent sur FaceTime pour me les lire.

– Diane

D’autres témoignages

De parents d’enfants à besoins spéciaux…

Ma fille de 8 ans (tdah/asd) ne pouvait pas lire en septembre. Elle commence à lire indépendamment maintenant. Cest beau a voir.

Céline N.

D’autres témoignages

Et de professeures en immersion française…

They are perfectly designed French decodable readers. They gradually build on student skills individually and then move up to consolidate learning. The series are interesting and funny and our kids love reading them over and over again because they feel SO SUCCESSFUL! I recommend these books to everyone.

– Sara M.

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