J'apprends 1a - Ali - Série de 20 livres

Each book includes
- a complete and interesting story in French
- 8 pages of easy-to-read text and lively images
- a list of the new sounds introduced
- a list of every French word used and its English translation
Delivery : 4-12 days

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Facile à lire uses l’orthographe recitifée for spelling, which makes learning to read easier. For example, you will see « ile » rather than « île », or « millepattes » rather than « mille-pattes »..
This orthography is recommended by the Conseil supérieur de la langue française, approved by the Académie française, and adopted by the Office québécois de la langue française. To learn more, please visit www.orthographe-recommandee.info.

1- Ali a ri
Ali laughed. Lara laughed.

2 - Ali a lu
Ali read l, a, ra.

3 - Ali a vu Val
Ali saw Val. Lara saw Val.

4 - Lari
Ali read Lari

5 - Ali va lire
Lara saw Ali laugh

6 - Ali sue
Ali goes fast. Ali sweats.

7 - Lara va sur le silo
Lara saw the silo.

8 - Ali tire Val
Ali pulls Val. Lara misses Val.

9 - Je tire
I pull pretty Lara.

+11 books
Ali lave la pile • La lune • Le soda • Le sofa • Lara mime • Bop! • Le lac • Le logo • Le lys • Le gala • À la rive
Each week, we receive messages like these, and we want to keep receiving them.