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Les animaux 2 – Série de 10 livres

Sale price$27.99 CAD


Delivery : 4-12 days


  • une histoire complète et rigolote
  • 16 pages de texte facile à lire et d’images vives
  • une liste des mots-étiquettes utilisés 
  • une liste de tous les mots utilisés et leur traduction anglaise
Les animaux 2 – Série de 10 livres
Les animaux 2 – Série de 10 livres Sale price$27.99 CAD


Each week, we receive messages like these, and we want to keep receiving them.

1 - Le singe

The monkey goes from branch to branch. He is agile.

2 - Le panda

The panda spends its days eating and sleeping. He likes to be alone.

3 - L'ours brun

The brown bear is powerful. He is a good fisher.

4 - L'autruche

L’autruche ne vole pas, mais elle court très vite.

5 - L'oie du Canada

The Canada goose is a migratory bird. It is also a sea bird.

6 - Le hibou

Owls have large eyes. They are a nocturnal animal.

7 - La baleine

Humpback whales jump out of the water. They also sing.

8 - Le caméléon

The chameleon is a lizard with two big round eyes. It likes to be alone.

9 - Le raton laveur

The raccoon is a wild animal used to the city. The fur around its eyes is black.

10 - Le chameau

The camel has two humps. It is a very big animal.