Nao le ninja – Série de 10 livres

Delivery : 4-12 days

- a complete and funny story in French
- 16 pages of easy-to-read text and vivid images
- a list of the sight words used
- a list of all the French words used and their English translation
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Each week, we receive messages like these, and we want to keep receiving them.
Facile à lire uses l’orthographe recitifée for spelling, which makes learning to read easier. For example, you will see « ile » rather than « île », or « millepattes » rather than « mille-pattes »..
This orthography is recommended by the Conseil supérieur de la langue française, approved by the Académie française, and adopted by the Office québécois de la langue française. To learn more, please visit www.orthographe-recommandee.info.

1 - Le petit Nao
This is Nao. His adventure begins at school, where he has no friends.

2 - Nao et la carte
Nao brings a special card to school, but it gets stolen.

3 - Nao et Aya
Nao is happy. He plays in his tree house with his friend Aya.

4 - Nao et la liste
Nao is preparing to become a ninja. At school, he discovers an important clue to find Aya.

5 - Nao et l’habit
Nao's grandmother gives him a present. Will Nao be a real ninja?

6 - Nao et Monsieur Pardi
Nao makes another friend. Mr. Pardi shows him how to become a ninja.

7 - Nao et le grand Didi
Did Aya leave a note for Nao in the tree house? Nao wants to check it out.

8 - Nao et la magie
Mr. Pardi shows the animals' magic to Nao.

9 - Nao et Latipôh
Grâce à la magie de Monsieur Pardi, Nao découvre enfin où est Latipôh.

10 - Nao le ninja
La magie des animaux aide Nao à retrouver son amie.