Tandem Luna la petite lune

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Level 1 tandem album
Luna la petite lune - l’album is an album to be read in tandem, with one page for the adult and one sentence for the child. The child's sentence contains only simple sounds and unaccented letters.
It's a unique opportunity to foster a love of reading!
What's more, this album comes with a Level 1 booklet.: Luna va vite, which the child can read all on their own
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Sometimes life can be lonely. Imagine being a little moon traveling through the vastness of space!
Luna invites you on a trip through the solar system. Which planet will be her best friend? Follow her on her journey and discover the planets that surround us!
This book contains
- a complete and touching story
- 34 pages of text: 17 to be read by the adult and 17 by the child
- lively, eye-catching images
Luna va vite : Booklet description
Saturn's moon will be Luna's friend.
Facile à lire uses l’orthographe recitifée for spelling, which makes learning to read easier. For example, you will see « ile » rather than « île », or « millepattes » rather than « mille-pattes »..
This orthography is recommended by the Conseil supérieur de la langue française, approved by the Académie française, and adopted by the Office québécois de la langue française. To learn more, please visit www.orthographe-recommandee.info.
Text : Sébastien Guindon
Illustrations : Néna Hendrick
Weight: 270 g
Dimensions: 19 × 22.7 cm
Number of pages: 34
Age level: 4-7 years
Genre: Fiction
ISBN: 978-1-77870-330-0 (Tandem)
978-1-77870-659-2 (Booklet)
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