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Help your child become a pro reader.

Finish an entire book, promised!

Guaranteed Results: Your child will read the first book in their series in 7 days, or we will exchange it for a more appropriate level.

I read, I smile, I grow.

Learning to read builds confidence and motivation.

It is also crucial for academic success. However, to achieve this, it's important to choose the right decodable book at the right time! Take the quiz in 2 minutes to discover your child's reading level.

How it works:

These series follow a syllabic method and a logical progression, based on phonology and the rate at which more complex sounds and graphemes appear.

Well-suited book series

for home and school


→ At home:

  • For children supported by an adult (or those with ease)
  • Several sounds per book: Rapid progression
  • Sounds (simple/compound/complex…) in each of the 10 books

Étape par étape

→ In the classroom → or for children with challenges

  • One new sound per book: A more gradual progression
  • Explicit and systematic approach
  • Reinforces acquired skills step by step

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Loved by children, parents, and experts

Pour moi, c'est une collection dont le plus grand point fort est de s'adapter aux besoins des jeunes lecteurs.

Elizabeth • Primary school teacher

Mon fils en maternelle est déjà capable de lire vos livres. Ils sont vraiment bien faits pour l'aider à débuter en lecture.

Christine G. • Mom

J'ai bien reçu vos livres hier. Mon premier élève en tutorat a été capable d'en lire 3 sans aide. La fierté dans ses yeux d'avoir réussi !

Olivia L. • French Immersion Teacher

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